As in any other social network, Vkontakte you can add your friends to specific lists, and these lists can be edited. The users you entered in the list of friends can be divided into some groups, among which are "Best friends", "Relatives", "school Friends", "Friends University" and "Colleague".
To move a user to a special group, log on to its Facebook page, using the username and password to log in. You will see the main window on the right side which will contain your personal information, interests, contact details, below you can see the wall with your records and the records of your friends. A little to the left of your personal information is your avatar, that is the main picture, underneath the list of gifts that your subscribers and friends, and the left sections of "My messages", "My page", "My groups", "My music", "My videos", "Documents", "My pictures", "Apps" and "Settings". To edit your friends list you can click on the "My friends", which is located in this menu or click on "Friends" under the list of your gifts.
Now you opened the window, which houses profiles of users with whom you are familiar. To add someone to the list of best friends, colleagues, relatives, friends at school or University, choose a specific person, and the right of their name you will notice the field "Write message", "View friends", "Remove from friends", "Configure lists". Click on the last field with the left mouse button and you will see a list of the required subgroups. Choose what you need and click on the corresponding entry.
In addition, you can move some users to the number of hidden friends. To do this, look carefully at the menu to the left of your main photos, click on the "My settings", choose tab "Privacy" which is at the top of the page. Look in the tab under "Who can be seen in the list of my friends and subscriptions", click "All friends." You will see a window with user names. Click on the names of those who want to hide and click on the "Save changes". Don't forget to re-check the privacy of your page. In this window you will see "Who sees my hidden friends". Make sure that next to it says "Only me".