When to introduce solid foods for baby

If the child is fully breastfed until six months of him nothing more is necessary, only plain water for drinking. The main thing here is that she was eating correctly, eating all the necessary foods: dairy, fruits, vegetables, meat, etc. - it all gets and the child together with milk.

Most pediatricians agree that at natural feeding the first solid foods to introduce after 6 months, and in artificial after four and a half. But what we should start products are a contentious issue: some suggest juices and fruit mashed potatoes, other vegetables, because they are most adapted to the child's body.

The main condition for the introduction of first complementary foods - mashed potatoes should consist of only one component, which relates to non-allergenic products.

Which is better: canned ready mashed potatoes or home made

In stores now represented by a huge range of ready-made baby food in fruit, vegetable, puree, juices, etc. Moms just have to choose a suitable and warm up.

But despite the abundance of cans, many parents prefer to feed their child home cooked. This has many advantages: confidence in quality of food, good hygiene, no harmful additives and GMOs. Although the time for cooking takes a lot, especially at the beginning of the feeding when the baby requires only one spoon. Yes, and if the products are not grown in your garden, it is not known how they were stored and what was added to their growth - many store-bought fruits and vegetables in the winter contain more harmful substances than vitamins.

The most non-allergenic food for the first feeding of vegetables are: zucchini, cauliflower, broccoli; and fruit: apples, pears, plums, apricots, etc. First, it is not necessary to give the child a mixture of several components, because it is less digestible, and in the case of the reaction then it will be difficult to determine what exactly it originated.

With homemade products it is necessary to carefully select, wash, and then cook until tender. The child's first food should be given in crushed through a sieve or in a blender. The consistency of the puree should be smooth without any lumps, and enough liquid to have the baby not have problems with swallowing. You should start with half a teaspoon, gradually increasing the dose to 100 Gy. If you do not have any allergies, then it is necessary to introduce another component, and then you can already connect them.

Many pediatricians suggest to start feeding it with canned puree, since they are adapted to the child's body and are tested when cooking. Of course we can not be sure that the manufacturer really takes quality products and does not add any substances for better storage. When buying you must look at the whole structure, children under years not recommended the addition of sugar and salt.

In any case, will you prepare your child yourself or buy ready-made puree, carefully approach the choice of products. Sometimes an allergic reaction causes a green Apple or zucchini, and maybe some substance added to this product. Because the purchase of fruits/vegetables are often treated, and this can cause allergies, or the manufacturer put something in the mashed potatoes in its manufacture, which also took the child's body.