Go to the website find the top button "Download", click it. On the next page, find the "Download" button on the picture of this button will indicate the current version of the free program.
After downloading the program, run the installation file. Will start the window for selecting the language of the installer, by default there will be installed Russian language, if not – set it manually by selecting it from the drop-down list. Or, you can choose English. Then click "Next", accept the license agreement, clicking in a dialog box, again click "Next".
Window appears indicating the directory to install Raidcall. Select a place where there is sufficient free space, or let all settings remain default. Click "Next" and then "Install". Copies the necessary files, wait for this process. At the end of the installation you can leave the tick on the "Automatically start Raidcall when Windows", or remove it. Leave a tick on the "Run Now".
Each user upon first running the program are asked to either log in to an existing account or create a new one. Click in the small popped up window click "I'm new, create one now."
In the window that appears, fill in all fields. Think of the Latin alphabet some nickname and enter it in the field "Account". You can duplicate the desired username in the "Nick". Come up with a complex but memorable password. For example, it may be a word in Russian, but written in English layout, with the addition of digits and other characters.
Enter in the field "E-mail" your real e-mail. It can be mail yandex, google, mail, or something else – the main thing is that you have access to it. Just below it is necessary to enter the word verification if it is not visible, click "Refresh". Next, tick the box agreeing with the terms and conditions voice service Raidcall and click "Register". Unless you check this box, the button is grey and not active.
After the above window POPs up where you have to specify the age, enter another nickname for the request and specify the country. Putting all the values, click "Finish". Now a window will open where you have to enter your username and password to access the features of Raidcall do it. If you have any difficulties, you can find on the bottom left button "Create new account". Check the "Remember password" to avoid entering it every time you switch programs. The creation account in Raidcall over.