Easy uncomplicated infection

In milder forms of cystitis, the disease can be cured by the body through the immune system. The need for treatment can be determined by the physician based on the relevant research and available data. To alleviate possible pain and discomfort may be prescribed pain relievers anti-inflammatory drugs (e.g. paracetamol or Ibuprofen) which will reduce the pain and discomfort.

In uncomplicated infections this therapy is sufficient. To speed of suppressing the infection the patient should also drink plenty of water. During treatment should avoid consumption of alcohol and entry into sexual contact, since these factors can worsen the symptoms of the disease.

Some patients note that during therapy a positive impact on the recovery rate providing substances such as sodium bicarbonate and potassium citrate. It was confirmed that drugs, in which composition there are data elements that can ease the pain that occurs during urination. However, clinical studies that can confirm this phenomenon, in fact, do not exist, and therefore the application of such remedies should be undertaken only under the supervision of a physician.

Antibiotics for cystitis

If serious acute lesions of an infectious nature, the specialist may prescribe antibiotics. Usually a course of antibacterial treatment in cystitis does not last long (3-4 days), but the duration of treatment may depend on the extent and etiology of the disease. Complications of antibiotics may be increased to 10 days. Also antibiotic therapy is indicated for re-infection disease, and its duration can be increased.

"Trimethoprim - antibiotic narrow spectrum of action that is designed to treat infections of the urinary system. The drug recommended by the world Health Organization and included in the list of the most important medications. On the shelves of pharmacies medicine may also be sold under the names "Ipal and Trimopan". Conventional medical treatment tool of 2-3 days, however, it is possible to conduct enhanced therapy for up to 10 days.

If there are indications to "Trimethoprim" or the impossibility of its use for the treatment of existing disease can appointment no less effective "Ciprofloxacin" ("Ciloxan", "Tsifran", "Ciprocin", "Ultipro"), which, however, is a broad-spectrum antibiotic. Allowed the use of Augmentin and Nitrofurantoin, which has antimicrobial effects and can be realized under the name "Furadonin".