What does the name jpeg

jpeg in Russian is pronounced as "jaypeg" and contains the short name of the developer of this format is Joint Photographic Experts Group (joint expert group on pictures).

How to determine image format

To determine the image format help the extension. Popular extensions for jpeg files: .jpg, .jpeg

Go to the folder with the image, locate it in the list and hover over the image the cursor (mouse arrow). Usually, information about the type of figure and size immediately POPs up.

If not, click on the picture, right-click and go to properties. There you will see the type of file, its size, location on the computer, the amount of space that it occupies on the disk, and creation date.

Transfer images in jpeg format

Translate the image in jpeg format can any program for editing drawings and photos.

The simplest such program is the Paint program. Along with a notebook and a calculator, it is in almost any operating system.

Right-click the mouse on the desired image. In the window that appears, select "Open with...". POPs up another window with a list available on your computer programs available for image editing. Feel free to choose Paint (the icon with a palette and brush).

In Paint you can resize the image by selecting the option "resize". To change the size in pixels and in percentage. Select the desired action point (pixels or percentage) and set the size horizontally and vertically. Below the picture it has retained its appearance, remove the checkmark from the "Keep proportions".

Also you can slightly adjust the picture using the appropriate tools. By pressing "F1" you can bring up a new window with help information about the program and opportunities to work with her. It is not recommended to adjust this program of the photo, as they may have the effect of drawing.

Don't be afraid to accidentally click somewhere and mess up the image! You can always press simultaneously the keys "ctrl+ z" to undo your last action. In Paint it is possible to undo the last three actions.

If the image you are happy, and you just want to change the format, press "F12". In the window that appears below, enter a file name and select jpeg format from the formats list. Check the save path in the line below the words "Save as" and click "Save". Your image will be automatically assigned the extension .jpeg.

In addition to Paint to convert the image to jpeg format you can use the photo Converter. To read what it is and also download a free demo version for 15 days on the site http://www.photoconverter.ru/help/tutorials/convert_to_jpg.html

Change the image to your liking!