You will need
  • - passport;
  • - insurance;
  • - exchange card;
  • - discharge from hospital;
  • - birth certificate;
  • - a contract (if you give birth for a fee).
Upon admission to the hospital the necessary identity document - passport. Therefore, it is necessary to take with you in the first place. If you are in the process of replacement, please ask at the passport office, a certificate of confirmation of this fact. But better try to quickly get a new passport. If you arrive at the hospital without this document, by law you have to accept without it, but in practice you may have difficulties.
Another paper will need to take to the hospital, the policy of obligatory medical insurance (OMS). The policy is evidence that you are registered in the system of free medical insurance of the Russian Federation. If for any reason you do not have this document, contact the local hospital and find out what insurance company it interacts with. After that you have to go to the office of the company. The process of obtaining an insurance policy may take several months. However, if you contact the company you will get a temporary policy, which you can take with you to the hospital.
Don't forget to take with you to the hospital and exchange card - a document that contains information about your health and condition of the unborn child. Fills exchange card gynecologist in female consultation, starting with your first visit. After 20 weeks, the document given to you.
Exchange card consists of 3 parts. The first part provides important data: name, age, home address; available and the disease; previous pregnancy and childbirth; transferred abortion; the heartbeat and the position of the fetus; the results of tests for HIV, syphilis, hepatitis; blood group and RH factor; results of the overall analysis; blood pressure; the expected date of childbirth; ultrasound results; conclusion ophthalmologist, otolaryngologist, dentist, and other information.
2 and 3 of part exchange card filled in at the hospital. The second part concerns the health of the mother, and her return back to the antenatal clinic. The third part relates to the child's condition, and her need to give to the children's clinic, where he will be observed. If a woman in labor enters the hospital without the card exchange, the doctors will have the information about her disease, but because pregnant is placed for delivery to the infectious Department.
If a pregnant woman has been hospitalized, should be provided in the hospital and discharge from hospital. This document must indicate the diagnosis and the treatment are described.
The program of patrimonial certificates launched by the government of the Russian Federation for financial incentives to hospitals and women's consultations. Coming into hospital with this document, you give him the opportunity to receive assistance from the state. The birth certificate is issued with 30 weeks gestation in the antenatal clinic. You have the right to receive medical care in the hospital and without this document, however, the best certificate to have.
If you have previously entered into a hospital contract for the provision of chargeable services, it too will need to take with you. However, in some hospitals it is possible to contract directly for admission.
In that case, if you are going to have with a partner, he, too, must have a passport. In addition, most maternity hospitals will require the presence during childbirth of a partner to provide the results of chest x-ray to exclude the risk of contamination of tuberculosis.