Need to find out the cause of quarrel is one of the main tasks. If the cause of a pretty serious addiction to alcohol or treason, for example, that your efforts here are almost not relevant. Such problems dad and mom have to decide for yourself, and your business is to accept the decision of the parents. Although the opinion is.

Try to find a compromise

Once the cause of the dispute was clear, try to find a solution that will satisfy both parents. It is very difficult to find a compromise. For example, often quarrel because of his absence.

Discuss with the parents the problem

Find out the cause of a quarrel and having an idea of how the world to solve the conflict, you can try to reconcile the mother and father. But not go ahead, but proceed carefully and tactfully. You can try to asking my mother about the reasons for the quarrel with his father. Ask about how she personally sees the solution to the problem. Of course, it should be done, when father's not around. Such questions to ask, to somehow start a conversation about the fight. Try to tell her about how you suffer from their conflict. Mom should understand that their quarrels with the husband have a negative impact on the psyche of their beloved child. Then mom can look at the problem from the other side. Here you have a little lie, saying that the father really wants to reconcile but doesn't know how. Invite her to make the first move. Now everything also need to do with dad. The result will not keep itself waiting.

Be reasonable

No need to rebel and do stupid things. Your departure from home or addiction to bad habits will not solve the problem and will lead to no good. Thus you can bring the parents to an extreme boiling point. In this situation, your task, on the contrary, to calm and reconcile my mom and dad.

Some practical advice

  1. Try to sit them down at the same table. You can cook them a candlelight dinner.
  2. Invite mom and dad to the Park at the same time, while they themselves stay home.
  3. You can send mom a bouquet, supposedly from his father. But then to warn her that he categorically does not want my mother to know that the gift from him.
  4. You can buy dad a small gift, and donate it on behalf of the mother. But, in the same way, to say that she told me to give myself.
  5. To make peace between people is easier when they are in a good mood. Persuade them to go with the whole family to the cinema for some light fun film.
  6. You can still jokingly say: "Dear parents, I'm not mad anymore, so, let you immediately to be reconciled. Give each other a kiss."