Find simple hand job through ads in the Newspapers. Often require collectors of pens and other items, sleepatil envelopes, etc. Are seasonal work on the collection of parts in a whole library cards, diplomas, badges. This activity is low-skilled and low-paid. But there are times when it is the only way of earning.
Pay attention to the ads about making candles (gel or wax), home grown strawberries, mushrooms. But, as a rule, to begin this work, first you have to invest your money to get the certificate, get training and buy your first batch of product to start production. And it is ready to go not all, and often such companies are commonplace Scam.
Ability to work hands – to sew, to burn, to embroider, to draw, make, you earn at home. Place ads through the newspaper, tell friends and begin to take orders. Gradually, if your skills are in demand, you will find a good customer base and start earning decent money.
If you are attentive and love to chat, you can look for work Manager on the phone (the remote Manager). A pleasant voice, competent speech and the ability to handle stress are welcome. The main condition for this work to be by the phone at certain hours of time. If you hardly leave the house, it can bring you good income.
The accounting profession will allow you to earn a piece of bread with butter from the comfort of home or at least not sitting in a stuffy office. This activity will allow you to manage your time, choose your own orders and customers, to devote more time to home and family. You can keep multiple clients. You wish if it will be firms with a small turnover in a single district and is attached to a tax organization.
Job coach – a real lifeline for people with teaching and special education, who decided to earn at home. If your profession is related to the training, by submitting ads in a newspaper, a running line and to the Internet, you will quickly find customers. Especially popular are tutoring a foreign language, mathematics, Russian language, biology, chemistry, physics, and other special items.
Art Studio at home is another good option for home-based work. Art education, proprietary education program for the children a little free space in the apartment and good lighting – and you can easily open a mini-Studio at home. But do not take classes at the same time more than 2-3 children to keep up the quality gave way to quantity.