A significant proportion of its exports are oil and gas. In the first decade of the XXI century the country took the leading position in the world in the sale of raw materials abroad. The export of energy resources remains one of the most important sources of national budget.
Russia is the world's largest exporter of equipment and technologies for nuclear energy. This kind of foreign economic activity for the country is a priority. Russia sells to different countries not just components, and a full cycle of nuclear technology. Russian equipment is used at nuclear power plants in China, India, Iran, Bulgaria, Ukraine and many other States.
High in Russian exports, the share of products of metallurgical industry. For sale in other countries are ferrous and non-ferrous metals in ingots and finished products. On aluminum, Nickel and titanium Russia is considered to be one of the main exporters in the world.
Products of the chemical industry of the Russian Federation is also in demand abroad. Russia delivers to other countries, mainly fertilizers, ammonia, methanol and synthetic rubber. The exports for these items reach $ 30 billion per year.
The strong position of Russia on the international arms market. Here the country ranks second in the world after the United States of America. Russian weapons and military equipment are bought by Venezuela, India, Indonesia, Vietnam and even China. High demand of modern air defence systems and combat aircraft.
Sell well in other countries of products of domestic engineering. Locomotives, cars, excavators, lifting and press-forging equipment, diesel installations for Railways and ships – these and many other products find their consumers in many countries of Europe and Asia.
For export Russia also supplies a significant number of the nation's electrical engineering and electronics. Demand in other countries, mainly electrical machines for machine-building enterprises and major facilities energy profile. Russian electronic systems for navigation are widely used on foreign sea and river vessels.
Sells the Russian Federation abroad and some food products. Traditionally crops: maize, rice and wheat. Exports are also supplied seafood and some types of alcoholic beverages, e.g., vodka, and individual Beers.