You will need
  • - polifepan, flax seeds, rose hips,
  • - whey, honey, "Cahors";
  • - rose hips, oats, onion peel, pine needle;
  • - the leaves of nettle, leaves of celandine, calendula flowers;
  • - black elderberry syrup, green apples;
  • - the leaves of celandine, calendula flowers, chamomile, "Bifidumbacterin to 5 doses";
  • carrots, black radishes, beets, lemons, garlic, honey, dry red wine.
Writing a patients home after sessions of chemotherapy, the doctor-oncologist prescribes a course of treatment in the home. Fulfilling his orders, save your body and the methods of traditional medicine, cleansing the intestines, liver and blood.
For bowel cleansing, in consultation with the attending physician, propene five-day course polifepan. Then start to take an infusion of flax seeds along with the seeds (a tablespoon per 2 cups of water), in unlimited quantities, at least a liter a day.
To maintain the liver, at the same time with linseed decoction, drink infusion of rose hips. For its preparation brew the chopped rose hips in a thermos of calculation teaspoon in a glass of water, adding a teaspoon of honey in a glass of infusion.
To increase the level of leukocytes in the blood is recommended to be taken three times a day for half a Cup of warm whey with a teaspoon of honey, half an hour after a meal. With the same purpose, in the morning fasting drink 50-70 grams of quality red wine type "Cahors", a half hour before eating.
For the purification of vessels, prepare the following composition. Take 2 tablespoons of chopped rose hips, oats, onion peel and pine needles, Bay 2 liters of water, bring to boil and simmer on low heat for 20 minutes. Then steep for 10-12 hours (better to do in the evening, take in the morning). The course is 3 months.
The next stage of treatment is the suppression of proliferation of metastases. Prepare the following composition. Take in equal amount of chopped nettle leaves, celandine and calendula. Bay tablespoon of the mixture in a thermos Cup boiling water, infuse for the night. In the morning strain and take 0.5 cups in the morning on an empty stomach, in the evening before going to sleep.
2.5 hours after Breakfast every day drink a glass of freshly prepared juice, the basis of which (180 ml) should be carrot juice, and the rest – any fruit or vegetables. This stage is one month.
Then you need to restore the blood formula. To do this, take black elderberry syrup three times a day 1 dessert spoon after meals. Also take a glass of freshly made Apple juice from green apples, diluted in half with filtered water. The course is one month.
Then spend the course of the bowel cleansing enemas with infusion of herbs: celandine, calendula, chamomile, according to the scheme: first week – in a few days second week – two days, third week – three days, the fourth – once a week. At the same time take the infusion of these herbs, adding "Bifidumbacterin to 5 doses" (bag one-third Cup of infusion), 20-30 minutes before meals three times a day.
To restore the immune system prepare the following tool. Grab a Cup of carrot juice, black radish, beet, garlic, lemons, may honey and dry red wine. Take 15 ml, dissolved in 50 ml of filtered water, three times a day before meals. During the year, spend at least 5 courses with a break of 3-4 weeks.