If the seller and the buyer is of legal age and single, that is unmarried citizens will require a minimum number of documents . These are: the passport of both parties, receipt of payment transactions, sale and purchase, agreement of purchase and sale in 3 copies, technical or cadastral passport to the apartment, the certificate of registration of ownership rights to the apartment, issued in the name of the seller. In addition, will need help from the customer service Department or the passport office, those who constantly registered in this apartment. If the seller or the buyer acting through a Trustee, it must be properly executed and notarized power of attorney.
In the case where the seller or the buyer is a minor child, you will need his birth certificate. In the case where the seller yet 18 years old must provide a permission for flats for sale on guardianship and guardianship. Such permission will be required when the seller is recognized as partially incapacitated, incapacitated or is in the custody of third parties.
When the seller is married and the apartment was acquired for the money in a joint property or in the name of one of the spouses must provide written consent of the spouse to sell it. The buyer is married, it is also necessary consent from its second half. Consent from the spouse must be notarized. When the apartment is purchased in the joint property, need marriage certificate. If one of the spouses died or the status is "former", but the stamp of marriage in the passport is left, the seller or the buyer must bring the death certificate or divorce.
The apartment, which is in shared ownership, can be sold only when the seller to provide a waiver of preemptive rights to purchase shares, signed by the other co-owners. This document must be notarized or may be signed by the owners directly in the organs rosreestra, in the presence of professionals involved in the transaction of purchase and sale of the apartment. When a share in the apartment buys one of the owners, any additional documents to bring for registration of the contract is not necessary.
In some cases when the seller or the buyer changed the name, with a need to capture the certificate of change of name or marriage certificate from the registry office.