The most popular and widely known form of General power of attorney is a General power of attorney on a car (any other vehicle). This document entitles the Trustee to dispose of the vehicle at its discretion: to sell, exchange, lease, take any action associated with the operation and disposal of the vehicle, to retire in the bodies of the DAI. In addition, a General power of attorney gives the attorney the right to drive abroad, and also to assign the right of disposal of the vehicle to a third party.
Power of attorney for property (apartment, house, room, land plot) provides the attorney a wide range of responsibilities to solve the bureaucratic issues, to do the paperwork, to sign on behalf of the beneficiary the application for the registration of real estate to execute the contract of purchase and sale, donation, rent, square footage leased, exchanged for other property. As a rule, the power of attorney of this kind are made not at all the property belonging to the principal, and what that specific object, address and registration details of which must be indicated in the text.
Power of attorney over the property. This document provides an opportunity for the Trustee to represent the interests of the principal in all, without exception, the institutions regardless of their forms of ownership (public or private), to individuals regarding any questions. Having a power of attorney, the attorney may dispose of all property (real and personal), Bank accounts (open and close accounts, to withdraw and to put the necessary Sumy, to renew the agreement), to cash transfers – pensions, social assistance, salaries, and any correspondence. In addition, such power of attorney entitles to represent in all courts, administration, ministries, the Prosecutor's office, the Registrar, pension Fund, tax office, housing office, etc.