Looks like a tester

Testers are sold in a package which, though it contains elements of the original design, but made of cheaper cardboard and has a more simple look. Sometimes testers are not Packed in boxes, and only placed in canvas covers, to prevent damage to the vials during transport.

For the convenience of the consumer, manufacturers use the conventional caps and atomizers. At the base of the neck, as a rule, inscription Demonstration Tester; the same inscription on the product packaging. This means that before you product, designed for the presentation of perfume, that is their demo.

Also testers available in sealed paper bags for distribution in printed products. They contain the minimum amount of perfume and when opening the package very quickly evaporate.

What distinguishes the tester from the original perfume

These perfumes come in small bottles for 7 or 15 ml. As a rule, they do not have a gun; they must apply either drip with your finger, or using a glass wand attached to the cap. Perfume testers are a smaller volume of 2-3 ml. most Often, it's a tiny gun, no larger than a finger.

These spirits are expensive. But the tester does not come cheap, because the content should be identical to the original fragrance. The difference is only the volume and appearance of the product. If you offer tester at a very low price, it should alert you, as the market for such products, there are a huge number of fakes. Unscrupulous manufacturers are copying global brands and all well-known brands, selling testers large amounts at a price 10 times lower than the cost of the original product.

Perfume tester, if they are real, no different from the original version of the spirits in its composition. The manufacturer uses identical components as for the full version and adware. Spirits have the same vitality, intensity of flavor, color and smell.

Tester, of course, intended for personal use. It is not good for gift because of its conventional kind. Spirits, by contrast, are available in elegant bottles and beautiful bright packaging. Testers can be purchased at the road to familiarize with the flavor or if the flavor very much, but currently there is no financial ability to buy it.