Find out if you are eligible to receive a reduced pension. For this we turn to the Federal law "About labour pensions in the Russian Federation". Find section dedicated to your profession. It should be indicated the number of years that you want to work in this field, to be eligible for early retirement.
Define a grace period in order to receive pension. The calculation of this value is set by the RF Government Resolution №516 of 11.07.2002. In determining seniority count periods of temporary disability, the basic and additional holidays. If you have worked in a few places that allow you to obtain the right to preferential pension, then their seniority is added only in the cases established by law. A separate calculation is conducted for periods with incomplete work schedule. The definition of grace service quite time consuming, therefore it will be easier to contact with this request to the office of the Pension Fund of the Russian Federation.
Calculate the related coefficient. Its value depends on the profession that allows you to go into an early retirement. Generally 25 years of seniority correspond to a value of 0.55. For each additional year up to this value is added to 0.01. In the result, the ratio shall not exceed 0.75.
Calculate the insurance and funded part of preferential pensions. These values depend on the amounts of pension accrual and average earnings. The rules of calculation are determined by legislative acts, so to update amounts, you must apply to the Pension Fund of the Russian Federation.
Apply for a preferential pension. To do this, submit to the Pension Fund of the Russian Federation the documents confirming your identity, experience and special working conditions. It is necessary to take into account that pension payments will accrue from the date of submission of the application, therefore, it is desirable to start processing a month before eligibility for early retirement.