Begonia light. She prefers bright, but diffused light, and in the morning tolerates even direct sunlight. You cannot leave the begonia in the hot summer sun.

For tuberous begonias will fit loose, light, but fertile soil with the addition of decomposed compost, and sand.
Begonia is a heat — loving plant, it prefers a temperature of 20-25°, does not tolerate drafts and cold air.
After flowering begonias have begins a rest period. During the rest period, reduce watering and move the plant in a dark place. The aboveground part of the plant dies and it is removed. The tubers are still two weeks left in the ground. Then dig and hurt for a few days in a warm dry place to dry. Then the tubers are put in a box, sprinkle the sand until spring stored in a dark place.
Watering begonias
In the period of active growth and during flowering begonias need much water. Watered it in the morning with warm water pooled. To plant feel comfortable, you need to keep the soil moderately moist constantly. To prepare for the rest period after flowering, gradually reduce watering begonias, and a few days before digging of tubers is stopped completely.
Fertilizing begonias
In the period of active growth of leaves and shoots of begonia fed fertilizer with high potassium content. To stimulate flowering feed complex fertilizer for flowering plants. Since the end of August, feeding gradually stopped.

Propagation and transplanting begonias
Begonias are transplanted in spring, after the dormant period, a new substrate, in a pot the same size as the previous one.