Cream "Achromin" is used for the treatment of hyperpigmented skin. In particular, it is used to eliminate freckles and other pigmentation caused by excess melanin. Including the tool used to fight spots formed during pregnancy and in view of age-related skin changes.

Usage instructions

Cream "Achromin" you must use 2 times daily – in the morning and the evening. The product is applied to skin with light massage movements. The first results of applying "Achromin" will be visible after about 2 weeks of regular use. The more visible effect is achieved after 1 month of cream: during this period, should be solved forever all spots. In some cases, to completely eliminate pigmentation requires 2-3 months.

As a rule, the use of bleaching cream "Achromin" comes with no side effects. However, sensitive skin may experience mild irritation, which is a reaction to the ingredients. In the event of a similar effect using the cream is suspended for 4-5 days. After this period of application of the cream, you can resume using it only in the evening. After 5 days, with no irritation, you can go back to standard use morning and evening.


Before using the cream Achromin" the skin should be prepared. This should be her cleaning and degreasing and then you can apply the cream. To apply the remedy in the case of a small pigment phenomena better locally, applying it only on the affected areas. The cream should be well rubbed in the area of application.

Prolonged use of the cream Achromin is recommended to make pauses in the treatment, since the product contains hydroquinone. This component is the active substance, but at the same time, it is not very useful for the body. In particular, it is not recommended to use the drug more than 3-4 consecutive weeks.

Before use of the drug is necessary to test for an allergic reaction. For this small amount of cream should be applied on the skin at the elbow. In the case of within 12-24 hours of redness or stinging from the drug should be abandoned. The use of the cream "Achromin" contraindicated in children under 12 years of age and lactating and pregnant women. Do not use this medium and in the presence of Allergy to its components.