Of course, the card compatibility can not guarantee a perfect result, as each person has unique traits and its own worldview. However, global experience specialists, astrologists shows that the pattern still exists.

Vnutritrekovye relationship

As a rule, people of the same sign of the Zodiac formed a good friendship. It is easy to communicate, because they have a lot in common. They well understand each other Aquarians. However, heterosexual fellow Aquarians can prevent the resulting feelings of sexual attraction.

More difficult to build dialogue two rams, especially if their career and observed professional growth. In this situation, the Rams will try to break out ahead, and the rivalry will only hurt their friendship. Another thing, if colleagues-Rams work on the same project. This will strengthen their relationship.

Scorpions of course become good friends, but one cannot expect complete honesty from them, because Scorpio does not always say what he thinks. The Twins have communication like steeplechase. Their mood and plans are constantly changing, which, of course, maintain the interest of the friends to each other, but can interfere with the course of joint work.

Fellow Capricorn, related to any material interest, will become each other's most reliable support, because they tend not betrayal.

Fish are to each other, a kind of vest, which can never alleviate all problems associated with personal life and work. Fish like no one else will understand the feelings of the other Fish, if it was a conflict with management or other colleagues.

Virgo - the sign, which is characterized by increased responsibility throughout. Two virgin colleagues are capable of strong friendship, mutual help in work, help each other.

Sagittarius is the real adventurer. This may considerably harm their careers. The friendship of the two archers could lead to this house in production and considerably annoy others.

Fellow Bulls represent the most stable Union. Their thoroughness in all strengthen their position in the team and help to successfully implement the plans. The emergence of such friendships at work will cause nervous other colleagues, as friends, Taurus things are going just on "cheers."

The friendship of the two Scales and the two Cancers are similar. Such relationships are built on trust and emotions. Importantly, these unions disintegrated, because Libra and Cancers lose all ability to work effectively, experiencing failure in a relationship with a colleague.

Lions - very loyal friends, but one lion always drag the blanket over himself in friendship with another Lion. This also applies to the volume of work and responsibility.

Minakova relationship

With regard to relations of different Zodiac signs, financial flair Rams well complement the loyalty and silence of Fish. Taurus and Scorpio can work miracles. Both signs are very responsible and capable, based on the experience of each other to create a benefit where others will not see it.

Emotional stability Twins well set off a calm, reasonable nature of the virgin, but with Sagittarius and Gemini is best avoided.

Colleagues Fish and Cancer is a good sense of each other on a psychological level. But they are completely different, so this friendship can last up to the first error in the documents.

A good gentle attitude towards colleagues under the signs of Leo and Libra. They are decent and I appreciate the friendship of each other. Leo with Aries may be good creative Union, if only one will be able to respect the opinions of others.

If we are talking about material, Capricorn and Virgo can become good friends at work. These signs love money and responsible attitude to work. Libra hard converge with other signs. By themselves, they are able to work to exhaustion. Other signs can cause them to doubt themselves and to harm the working atmosphere.

Scorpio and Capricorn creates work rather a business relationship than personal. But friendship with Aquarius in the workplace is best to avoid all signs. Aquarians head in the clouds, forgetting all the planned activities and dates. Trusting to such a sign at work, you can get a lot of problems.