Torrent trackers, which in common parlance is referred to simply as "torrents" are sites in which you can share various digital content. How to use torrent to distribute content?

How it works torrent

Torrent trackers don't store files. They are stored on users ' hard drives. Task tracker — manage the data exchange process.

This happens with torrent files that have the extension .torrent. There is information about the file that is going to download the user.

To work with torrent files you need a special program. Such programs are called BitTorrent clients. When the user runs the torrent file, the program starts to download content — a movie, program or game.

Where does the file if it is not on the website? Those users who have already downloaded it to your hard drive. The peculiarity of this technology is that the distribution is not a single user, and all who have downloaded it and is removed.

What you need to give

User who deleted the torrent file or the downloaded content does not participate in the distribution. If all users delete the file, then download it would be impossible.

When a person downloads the file, deletes it and allows you to download others — it's called "stay the hand". Stay on hand necessary to ensure that other members have had the opportunity to content.

Torrent trackers, where registration is needed often use a ratings system. The rating takes into account the ratio of downloaded and distributed content. The more one gave, the more he will be able to download.

There are trackers that allow you to download content to unregistered users. On such sites rating system no, and the user can download as many as you want.

On this site no one will punish the user, who decided not to stay in the hand. All hope for awareness and adherence to the rules of etiquette. The main rule of thumb: "I Downloaded myself — give download others.

How to give

Some people, especially those away from the computer, afraid of possible difficulties. Should not be afraid to distribute via a torrent is very simple.

First you need to download and install a torrent client. The most popular program of this type is utorrent. It is completely free and installs literally in seconds.

The next step is finding the right file on any torrent tracker. After you find the file, you need to click "Download". Part of browsers will offer to download the file with your installed torrent client — all you need is to select the folder to download the file.

Other browsers can just offer to save the. torrent file. In this case, it would have to click the mouse. This will launch the torrent client. He will ask you to select a folder to download the correct file.

When the file will be downloaded, you will be party to the distribution. The files consist of a large number of small parts. Once a part is downloaded, it immediately starts to be distributed to other users. The distribution process will continue until, until you delete the file.

So, to distribute files using torrent, you need to install a torrent client, download the file and not delete it. As long as the files remain on your hard drive, and the computer connected to the Internet, you will distribute them using a torrent.