Jun 13, since ancient times is the day of veneration of the Holy prophet Jeremiah, known from the annals of the old Testament. From the time of ancient Russia, the holiday is called the day of Jeremiah Raspravlenija, it is connected with the end of the spring planting and, respectively, release, that is raspolaganje horses.
It is believed that often in this day cuckoo portends good weather, but rainy weather this day is always considered a sign of poor, poor crop.

Jeremiah himself was one of the followers of Christ, who accepted a painful death for the Holy teachings and their own religious beliefs. The rejection of bringing the pagan sacrifice, which would become the symbol of renunciation eremii from the faith, resulted in brutal torture. According to legend, the Saint was killed and on the third day of serious testing, and even healed the witnesses of this miracle, blinded by fear and surprise.

Day of the Holy spirit and Anthony of Padua

13 June is traditionally known as the day of the Holy spirit, i.e. the beginning, which is intended to forgive sins, and to create various miracles. On this day, the nameday of the carriers named in the novel, Christine and Polycarp.

In the Catholic tradition June 13 is the day of St. Anthony, one of the most revered saints. The offspring of noble parents, Saint Anthony of Padua at age 15, she enrolled to study in a monastery and devoted his life to serving the Lord. Numerous of pilgrimage, a thorough knowledge of the Holy Scriptures, of popular preaching made Anthony's highly respected among the common people, the well-known priest and his miracles, this was a good reason for ascribing it to the rank of saints. Interestingly, the glory and the veneration of this Saint reached the borders of Russia, Belarus and Ukraine, and made him a favorite of Orthodox Christians.

Anthony is the patron Saint of the family and the poor come to him to ask for good luck in love Affairs and undertakings, according to tradition, the young people write their messages on special paper and leave notes in mailboxes of the Church.

Day in Islam

In Islam the night of 12 to 13 June is called the cleansing or night of Baraat. The taming of the spirit and the flesh these days is a guarantee of absolution. According to legend, all who that night praying and asking for mercy will find forgiveness and be cleansed.

The Jews to this day celebrate a pilgrimage feast, or Pentecost. According to mythology, on this day Moses has the honor to Holy Scripture, the Torah, from the hands of the Lord on mount Sinai.