Damage aphids are mostly red and white currants, black currants less. Colony insects are on the underside of young leaves and begin to eat. Leaves are deformed and blush. Be swellings (galls) that can cover almost the entire sheet.After a short period of time in hot weather even a few days, the maggots have a new generation of spread to other young leaves, form a new colony.

The species produces several generations in currants, then moved to the weeds, where it reproduces until the end of summer. Aphids in the autumn again returned to the bushes and "gives" to another generation of females lay overwintering eggs.

The pest overwinters on young shoots at the base of the cortex of the kidney, in the cracks of the old branches of a Bush. And in the spring, when blooming young leaves, aphids are once again beginning its life cycle.

How to protect your crop and get rid of aphids on plants?

In the spring spray the bushes in the leaves opening period. Use herbal infusions of chamomile, tobacco, citrus peels. After 10 days, repeat the treatment.

Proplyvaya the weeds around the bushes.

In severe cases aphids use handling any insecticide, follow the instructions.

And most importantly - make friends with ladybugs. These little beauties love aphids. During the day they can destroy more than 200 pest species.