What causes facial sweating?

If the sweat trickles down your face even when it's cool enough, it is recommended to consult your doctor, physician or endocrinologist. The fact that sudden severe sweating can occur if you have certain serious diseases of the body.

Stress, sudden excitement, for example, before an exam or date, can cause increased sweating, not only under the armpits or across the body, but a person may "suffer" from nervous shocks.

Hot weather also contributes to increased perspiration, and facial area including. In this case, you need to include in the program of reduction of sweating on the face, several methods of dealing with this unpleasant problem.

Methods to reduce sweating on the face

So, what to do if you are tired of the fact that you are heavily sweating face. First, you should avoid stressful situations. This advice is recommended for those individuals who love needless worry before important events in your life.

You can, if you know that there is a stressful situation, take a few pills of Valerian extract or drinking herbal infusions, acting sedative effect on the Central nervous system. This motherwort, peony petals, peppermint, lemon balm, Valerian root.

Easy soothing plant will have a positive impact on the condition of the sweat glands in the face, and it will not be as intense sweating.

The next step is affect the pores of the skin. Excellent properties, narrowing the pores, has oak bark, boiled in water for 20 minutes and infused for half an hour. Strained decoction of oak bark, it is necessary to wipe or wash your face 2 times a day.

Among modern cosmetic treatments, there are those who oppose excessive activity of the sweat glands in the armpits, back and face.

Sage tea as a lotion on the face is also a very strong method of reducing perspiration. Two teaspoons of dry herb sage pour two cups of boiling water, let it brew, strain.

Sage tea, in addition to wiping their face, it is helpful to drink half a Cup twice a day to reduce hyperhidrosis whole body.

Make ice cubes decoction of chamomile, oak bark or sage. Cubes in the morning, quickly wipe your face. Then blot it with a paper towel. This method significantly reduces pores, strengthens and tones the skin.

For more tips

There are special cosmetic deodorants without fragrance that should wipe the face. However, for a long time, their protective properties are not enough. So take advantage of them only for a while. But we should not forget about the methods, which are discussed above. They are much more effective and modern cosmetics.

If the sweat on the face runs hard from his temples and from the forehead, wear it on the bandage, absorbent. The bandage can be Terry, matching color with your clothes. Or made of a material dryline, which is much longer than Terry cloth holds moisture.

When severe sweating should carry paper napkins and baby talc, which can get wet the areas of the face, where the droplets of sweat.

Follow a diet with excessive facial sweating. Proper nutrition will reduce the sweating. Exclude from the diet of spicy foods, flour, sugar. Also, try at least temporarily not to drink coffee, cocoa, tea, hot chocolate. Perhaps these foods and drinks in your menu cause excessive sweating of the face.