Many people are aware of the fact that the joint use of alcohol and drugs adversely affects the human body. And it does not matter what the fortress of spirits: strong, such as brandy, vodka, whiskey, or with a lower alcohol content — beer, wine, liquor, etc.
In the modern world there is a huge amount of drugs, and interacts with alcohol in a different way. For this reason, it is quite difficult to describe the interaction of any medications with alcohol. Taking one of tablets together with alcohol, you might not notice any deviations in health. Other tablet, on the contrary, have a negative impact on the body and even lead to death.
There are several forms of interaction alcohol and drugs, namely:
- antagonism;
- violation of metabolism and absorption of drugs;
- the presence of side effects;
- the manifestation of intoxication.
It is known that alcohol is excreted from the body within 48 hours. Complete cleansing of the body happens during the week. Because of this long period of withdrawal of alcohol, it is advisable to say that it is not necessary to take the pill in conjunction with alcohol. You can take medicine and a few days before drinking alcohol, and as a result may experience negative consequences.
Simultaneous administration of paracetamol and alcohol leads to the synthesis of toxic substances in the body and progressive destruction of the liver. Ascorbic acid in contact with alcohol removes from the body's own previously synthesized compounds, causing the development of heart disease.
Stomach bleeding, worsening of stomach ulcers, inflammation of mucous membrane — the consequences of the simultaneous adoption of aspirin, or acetylsalicylic acid with alcohol. Hallucinations, respiratory arrest and even death are consequences of taking alcohol together with drugs-analgesics. Vomiting and gastric lesions causes the immunomodulator isoprinosine, washed down with alcohol.
Drugs prolonged course of treatment is usually seen as loyal to alcohol, however, you need to keep in mind that combining them with alcohol can be rarely and carefully, because there may be some side effects. For example, from RFQ Cavinton alcohol will intensify the alcohol effect. Lozap designed to lower blood pressure, do not show the desired therapeutic effect despite the fact that patients who put experiments on themselves claimed hypertension from such a combination retreats.
But no-Spa eliminates the impact of alcohol on the body, and prevents its absorption. Similarly, apply absorbents like activated charcoal, POLYSORB, etc. Tolerant to alcohol gliclazide and novonorm, drugs that regulate the level of sugar in the blood, although doctors still warn of the danger gipoglikemii, it is known that alcohol-containing beverages can enhance the effect of the pills. For example, it behaves the Concor. In the process of drug treatment, absolutely can not drink alcohol, their combination has a devastating impact on the already weak heart people who have had a heart attack and is recovering with the help of this medication.
Antibiotic fromilid cannot be applied within 8 hours after the feast, otherwise it will cause tachycardia and severe allergic reaction that can manifest with shortness of breath and suffocation.
Summarizing all the above, it can be concluded that the simultaneous adoption of drugs and alcohol has no positive effects on the human body. On the contrary, can provoke side effects and even lead to death.
The reactivity of drugs
In the modern world there is a huge amount of drugs, and interacts with alcohol in a different way. For this reason, it is quite difficult to describe the interaction of any medications with alcohol. Taking one of tablets together with alcohol, you might not notice any deviations in health. Other tablet, on the contrary, have a negative impact on the body and even lead to death.
There are several forms of interaction alcohol and drugs, namely:
- antagonism;
- violation of metabolism and absorption of drugs;
- the presence of side effects;
- the manifestation of intoxication.
It is known that alcohol is excreted from the body within 48 hours. Complete cleansing of the body happens during the week. Because of this long period of withdrawal of alcohol, it is advisable to say that it is not necessary to take the pill in conjunction with alcohol. You can take medicine and a few days before drinking alcohol, and as a result may experience negative consequences.
Taking alcohol together with pills, you must consider the time period of withdrawal of drugs and alcohol from human blood.
Examples of interaction
Simultaneous administration of paracetamol and alcohol leads to the synthesis of toxic substances in the body and progressive destruction of the liver. Ascorbic acid in contact with alcohol removes from the body's own previously synthesized compounds, causing the development of heart disease.
Stomach bleeding, worsening of stomach ulcers, inflammation of mucous membrane — the consequences of the simultaneous adoption of aspirin, or acetylsalicylic acid with alcohol. Hallucinations, respiratory arrest and even death are consequences of taking alcohol together with drugs-analgesics. Vomiting and gastric lesions causes the immunomodulator isoprinosine, washed down with alcohol.
Hormonal drugs when drinking alcohol lose its effect, and there is a risk of pregnancy.
Drugs prolonged course of treatment is usually seen as loyal to alcohol, however, you need to keep in mind that combining them with alcohol can be rarely and carefully, because there may be some side effects. For example, from RFQ Cavinton alcohol will intensify the alcohol effect. Lozap designed to lower blood pressure, do not show the desired therapeutic effect despite the fact that patients who put experiments on themselves claimed hypertension from such a combination retreats.
But no-Spa eliminates the impact of alcohol on the body, and prevents its absorption. Similarly, apply absorbents like activated charcoal, POLYSORB, etc. Tolerant to alcohol gliclazide and novonorm, drugs that regulate the level of sugar in the blood, although doctors still warn of the danger gipoglikemii, it is known that alcohol-containing beverages can enhance the effect of the pills. For example, it behaves the Concor. In the process of drug treatment, absolutely can not drink alcohol, their combination has a devastating impact on the already weak heart people who have had a heart attack and is recovering with the help of this medication.
Antibiotic fromilid cannot be applied within 8 hours after the feast, otherwise it will cause tachycardia and severe allergic reaction that can manifest with shortness of breath and suffocation.
Summarizing all the above, it can be concluded that the simultaneous adoption of drugs and alcohol has no positive effects on the human body. On the contrary, can provoke side effects and even lead to death.