Rod as a way of punishment

Without a doubt, deviant behavior often deserve punishment. Since time immemorial, for the restoration of justice against violators of norms were used physical. Those who disregarded the rules and laws, mercilessly flogged with sticks, rope or leather whips. A special place among bodily punishment took the rod.

Rods are flexible and very thin stalks of trees or shrubs. Joined them in bunches, often linking them. This simple fixture and h guilty, choosing to shock the most sensitive parts of the body. During and after such a flogging people have experienced severe physical and mental suffering that, in the opinion of the executioners, had a positive educational effect and contributed to repentance. To make the punishment greater efficiency bars are often pre-soaked in salted water, which gave this "tool" more flexibility.

Whipped: the history of the use

The punishment of flogging was widely used since ancient times. This is clearly evidenced by the sources from which scientists derive information about the history of Ancient Greece and Rome. The special demand of the rod used among caregivers of ancient Sparta, where the wizard of corporal punishment used such a device is extremely wide.

There is mention of the flogging and the Bible. For some of the misdeeds and sins of the Jews were ordered to be punished with flogging. Clearly aged a certain number of strokes depending on the severity of the offense. In the New Testament there are indications that the persecutors of the apostles, flogged them mercilessly with rods and stoned ("History of the rod", by D. Bertram, 1992).

Flogging with rods was quite widespread in Europe until the late nineteenth century, and in some countries even longer. The rod used in the upbringing of naughty children as a punishment in administrative and judicial practice. S and the guilty soldiers. This cruel procedure has been abolished in the beginning of the last century.

In the heyday of corporal punishment by whipping with rods was a symbol of authoritarianism. Before the rods were afraid not only children, but also a solid, Mature man. The markings on the back and below the belt for a long time did not heal. As one who has experienced the educational impact of the punitive instrument, preserved in the memory of the sensation of physical pain and moral humiliation which accompanied the punishment.