Today the market is full of perfumes with variety of fragrances: the colognes, and toilet water, perfumed water, perfume, and deodorant, and refreshing water, and spray. Original products have different volume bottles, but they are quite heavy, making it easy to identify among them the tester. As it is on this background looks smaller, more modest.

Tester – fragrance

The tester is not hermetically sealed, most often in tester no cap, only a simple cover or just a simple sprinkler with a plastic cap.

Tester or, as they say, "probe" is a version of the present, the original perfume. It is created to showcase original fragrances and are not intended for sale. The purpose of the production of bottles-testers is to conduct promotions for a product-original in the perfume departments. The main goal of a tester is the original manufacturers do not focus on the appearance of the probe. It is characterized by the volume of the bottle, its form and design. The composition and quality of the contents of the tester and the original scent perfect match.

Discreet but high quality

The design of the outer packaging tester is significantly different from its original counterpart. Modest and inconspicuous white box with black lettering Tester are the main characteristics of the external appearance of the test product. A good perfume in this respect is original, unusual, exclusive shape of the bottle and an elegant, stylish, reflecting the concept of the manufacturer, package design, most suitable as a gift.

Exclusive perfumes is undoubtedly one of the most affordable ways in order to designate the belonging to certain circles, the social status of the person, the level of income. Tester, unfortunately, such possibility does not provide.
Some manufacturers make it easy compositions, which fill the testers, with the exception of liquid components, which are responsible for strength of flavor, it is believed that the smell is not affected.

Unlike the original perfume, used once or twice a day, the tester is often exploited to demonstrate the flavor of the buyers of the store, so producers have a convenient functional dispensers, not disdain and dispensers. In perfumes they are usually not used, because the road every drop.