Cedar oil is a Golden yellow color with a fine walnut-wood aroma. This oil has a thick resinous consistency.

Useful properties of cedar oil

The biological value of cedar oil is defined by its rich compositions. Here there are minerals, amino acids, linoleic, oleic and linolenic fatty acids, vitamins E, A, b, F, and other active components. So, in cedar oil vitamin E, 5 times more than in olive oil. As you know, vitamin E is a powerful antioxidant: this component neutralizes the occurring in the body oxidative processes that promotes the excretion of cholesterol and rejuvenation. Due to the fact that the composition of cedar oil contains vitamins of group b, the tool recommend to use to enhance brain activity and normalization of the nervous system. As concerns vitamin P (he is responsible for the renewal of skin cells, increasing lactation and health of epithelial tissue), the concentration in cedar oil is much higher than in fish oil.
The only contraindication is individual intolerance cedar oil.

To talk about the use of cedar oil can be infinite: it is used in the treatment of skin diseases and colds, strengthens the body, increases physical endurance and work capacity. In addition, this oil well proved itself at treatment of arthritis, gout, cystitis, articular rheumatism, and even blood disorders. Also cedar oil should be consumed early male pattern baldness, increased hair breakage and those people who live in regions with unfavorable ecological conditions. This tool is useful for a growing organism: the cedar oil has a beneficial effect on physical and mental development of children.

Features of the application of cedar oil in folk medicine

As a preventive measure oil pine nuts take 1 tsp twice or three times a day for half an hour before food for 40-60 days. Taking a spoonful of medicinal liquid in your mouth, it slowly resolves, like diluting and mixing thoroughly with saliva.
Cedar oil is recommended once a week apply to dry hair with split ends: as a result of such treatments, the hair will get luxurious Shine, become strong and healthy.

When ulcers stomach and duodenal ulcers are recommended to take 1 teaspoon of cedar oil in the morning half an hour before meals and at night 2 hours before dinner. This treatment lasts 17-20 days. If necessary, after a ten-day break, the treatment continues.

To cure atherosclerosis, within a month it should take 30 drops of cedar oil once a day (before meals). After doing a two-week break and again continue the treatment to achieve the desired result.

It is believed that using cedar oil can cure allergic disease. It is recommended to use twice or three times a day for 1 tsp. But in case of seasonal Allergy (e.g., allergic reactions to pollen) to start receiving a remedy should be for the month before a possible relapse.

Also cedar oil will help cure skin diseases. The affected area of the face or body, smeared it with the medicine twice a day for a month. The desired result will come faster if the procedure is combined with the intake of oil inside (drink it in the morning and 1 tsp before meals). With neurodermatitis, psoriasis and other skin diseases accompanied by itching, add cedar oil to the bath. The water temperature should be 1 ° C - 2 ° C less than body temperature (bath water take 10-13 drops of oil).

Cedar oil is effective in the treatment of burns and frostbite. On the affected area of the body impose a sterile gauze bandage soaked in a healing oil. Change of dressings is recommended once a day.