The principle of the compass lies in its ability to indicate the cardinal directions: North, South, West, East. A compass usually has one or two arrows. If the arrow is one - it will always point North. If you have a compass with two arrows, one that points to the North mark in blue, or make shorter. A red arrow will point to the South.
North arrow sometimes runs in the shape of an arrow, but in any case it will be highlighted. Defining North direction, you can navigate around light: the opposite of North is South, right from North - East, left - West.
In order to fix the position of the needle, the compass has a special lever to brake. This feature greatly facilitates the use of the compass in field conditions.
In order to accurately determine the location of the cardinal points, you must make sure that the compass is in horizontal position, and his hands do not touch the inner surfaces of the compass. Locking the compass needs to be removed, the arrow to rotate freely. Near the compass should not be iron objects, and in the vicinity of the place of use - power lines, as they affect the distortion of the magnetic field, and therefore on the readings. By adhering to these rules, the compass will always point North direction from wherever you are in this moment.
Before using the compass in real conditions, it is necessary to conduct a simple verification. To check the compass is placed horizontally, is removed from the clamp, wait until the arrow pointing North. Then to the compass need to bring any iron object. The arrow will deviate, as there will be distortion of the magnetic field. After the iron is removed, the arrow should return to the starting position. This is a symptom of health compass, the reliability of his testimony.