Rapid methods of beauty
To get rid of signs of fatigue not only on the face but throughout the body, it is possible to take a contrast shower. The alternation of hot and cold water is very invigorating. To enhance the effect, it is recommended to use soap or shower gel with the scent of grapefruit or orange. Then a good mood will definitely be provided.
Make the face look well-groomed and fit, you should make a special mask made from potatoes. Cook it very easily. You need to grate a small potato and apply the resulting slurry on the face for 15-20 minutes.
That mask is provided and even a healing effect, you should add a few drops of essential oil. For example, for oily skin oil of lavender (it helps to eliminate skin irritation and fight inflammation), dry skin – rosehip oil for normal skin – oil of rosemary or Jasmine.
For fast relief of redness of the eye you can use special drops.
To remove puffiness and bags under the eyes can with ice cubes. You can use them daily or only in case of force majeure. This is one of the fastest ways to make the face glow. For making ice it is recommended to use not usual water, and the decoction of chamomile or marigold, provide a healing effect on the skin.
If you often swollen in the morning, then this may indicate the presence of any disease. You should consult with a specialist.
To prevent swelling, try not to eat at night too salty foods, and 1-1,5 hours before bedtime, eat half an Apple or a few strawberries. It will help to quickly withdraw excess fluid from the body.
Hide signs of fatigue with makeup
Modern means of decorative cosmetics can work wonders and literally erase the signs of fatigue from the face. Now to bring myself up don't need to spend a lot of time, all will take about 15 minutes.
For example, for brightening the eyes, use a Golden shade. And eyes were wide open, in the inner corners of the eyes should put a dot of white shadow. Moreover, white shade is recommended to apply under the eyebrows.
Under eye circles will be able to disguise with concealer and make the skin glow and make small unnoticeable flaws are due to Foundation or powder with reflective particles.
If you want face looked sculpted, you can use blush or bronzers. On the lips is good to apply a transparent or pearlized luster. Makeup to create eye-catching makeup is better to postpone for another occasion.