Write or type on the computer and print to the printer several similar ads for the sale of the apartment. Don't forget to include in their phone number or another way to contact you. Ads should be put on public transport, at the entrances of the house in which the apartment is to telephone and electric poles around town, to the grocery store in the area selling the apartment.
Post in newspaper free ads information about what you sell the apartment. Try to advertise to several such publications, to increase the effect of ads and the number of calls you get from interested parties. don't forget to renew newspaper ads until you sell the apartment.
On the Internet there are sites with free ads, where you should also submit an application for sale with photos of your apartment and its internal premises, information on the cost and condition of housing. On such sites there are paid services to highlight the ads and raise the information in the most viewed part of the web resource. If the apartment you need to sell, take advantage of such services, as they increase the likelihood that the ad will be seen by greater number of potential buyers. Ads on websites you should renew as soon as will end by the time of publication.
Visit the real estate agencies in your city. Give information to realtors about what you sell the apartment. Leave them accurate information about your property, your location. It often happens that the real estate Agency without signing a contract with the seller of the apartment, find him a customer. Benefit agencies in this case is that:
- they have increased the range of offers on the real estate market;
- are you in agreement with the buyer, arrange the sale of real estate through the Agency;
- the percentage of transactions real estate brokerage firm will receive on the sale of apartments.
Inform about the intention to sell the apartment of their neighbors, acquaintances, friends. Perhaps someone currently looking for a property to buy in your area or house.