The best way to get from Moscow to Solnechnogorsk on the train. All the trains which can take you to Solnechnogorsk, depart from the Leningrad station of the Russian capital. The most common train the one that goes on a route "Moscow — Klin". Journey time is 1 hour and 17 minutes, and if the composition passes some stations without stopping, 1 hour, 13 minutes.
You can also get to Solnechnogorsk on the train "Moscow — Tver," which makes a stop here for two minutes. Journey time is 1 hour and 3 minutes. Pretty quickly you get to the train Solnechnogorsk, following on a route "Moscow — Konakovo" — the journey time is 1 hour and 8 minutes.
You can also get to Solnechnogorsk on the train "Moscow — Tver," which makes a stop here for two minutes. Journey time is 1 hour and 3 minutes. Pretty quickly you get to the train Solnechnogorsk, following on a route "Moscow — Konakovo" — the journey time is 1 hour and 8 minutes.
It is possible to get from Moscow to Solnechnogorsk on the bus. Need to take bus No. 437, which follows the route "Moscow — Klin" almost every 20 minutes. Get on the bus like near the metro station "Water stadium" and the station "River station" and go to the stop "Solnechnogorsk". Journey time is from 1 hour 5 minutes to 1 hour and 15 minutes. True only in the case when there is no serious congestion. Otherwise, the bus can go to Solnechnogorsk even three hours.
If you go from Moscow to Solnechnogorsk by car, it is necessary to taxi on the Leningrad highway, Khimki drive, Black Mud, yeline, rzhavki. After that, the Leningrad highway smoothly into highway M10 "Russia" on which it is necessary to pass chashnikovo, Radomly and Potters. And after 5 miles after the village of Dubinino the track will bring to check-in Solnechnogorsk. Travel time, driving on the open road, will not exceed 1 hour.
It is possible to get to Solnechnogorsk and the other way is via Pyatnitskoe highway or as it is called officially, the track Р111. The route will pass through 5-e Gorki, Zhilino, Lytkina, sokolove, Kon'kovo, Ryazan and Sochi. But this option should be used only in case of traffic jams on the Leningrad highway — because the way the district and almost one and a half times longer. Way to Solnechnogorsk on the Pyatnitskoye highway will take approximately 1 hour 50 minutes.