You will need
  • - seedlings of cultivars of grapes;
  • - garden tools.
Most importantly, perhaps, to determine the grape variety. Seedlings zoned grapes are best purchased at specialty nurseries or gardeners. Need to choose really hardy varieties, and early ripening berries could ripen in the Urals over the short summer. "Aleshenkin", "Muscat pink", "Madeline", "Cardinal", "Anastasia", "Amethyst", "Triumph" is only a small part of the grapes that grow well in the Urals and beyond.
Select a Sunny place in your yard for planting grapes. Dig a hole approximately 50 cm in diameter and the same in depth. If you want to plant a few shrubs, planted them in a row in the trench width and a depth of 50 cm and a length based on the number of seedlings, given that between plants should be a distance of 1.5-2m.
In the pit, arrange the drainage. Put broken bricks, gravel or pebbles, then pour a layer of nutrient soil, garden soil, mixed with humus and sawdust.
Put the seedling into the prepared hole at an angle of 45 degrees. Cover with soil and tamp. Some experienced gardeners suggest to cover the soil between the seedlings of black covering material, or put stones, which will contribute to rapid warming of the pit in the spring. Seedlings planted in the spring, you need to cover the non-woven material or film before the threat passes the return of frost. Periodically, the film should open and ventilate the plants.
The grapes are abundantly watered as the drying of the upper soil layer. In the first year, pruning should not be done, since the second, form the vine, cut the side shoots, leaving 2 or 4 wing. The vine needs the support, so get behind the bushes trellis or plant them around the gazebo, so the grapes were able to cling to a support.
Some varieties overwinter well in the Urals and without shelter, shifting under the thick layer of snow to 40 ° C below zero, but it's better not to risk and to cover the grapes. For this fall, when temperature up to -10C, remove the vine from the support. Put it on the ground and close the top with twigs or straw.
In the spring, once the snow melts, the cover remove. Vine ventilate and cover it again, but this time covering the material.