Prepare all the necessary material for preparation. These can be lectures, formulas, example problems, drawings, sketches. In advance, find a list of questions or list of topics you should cover during training. Pay special attention to the topics which was given by the teacher for self-study. They are often found in the examination tickets and tests.
Write a small cheat sheet. This cheat sheet will reflect all that you feel difficult to remember. At a critical moment in the exam that you will save as never before. If you have to pass a technical discipline work in the drafts or in the same crib drawings.
Don't worry, if the training you have just a few hours. In any case, do not neglect sleep before the exam, sleep can take at least 5 hours. Do not eat before the exam sedative, it slows down the thought processes and inhibit the brain.
Do not read and do not teach lectures in the order in which they have recorded in a notebook. It is better to teach through the theme, and the fact that miss out, catch up, if there's time. Students believe that this is one of the best training options.
During preparation, do not be distracted and will eliminate any contact with the outside world. Turn off your cell phones, don't check social media, as it usually spent a huge amount of time. You will have time to socialize with your friends and after passing the exam, and now your primary goal is a non-negative assessment of your knowledge. After all, you probably don't want to attend re-sit for a long time.