You will need
  • - Internet browser;
  • account on Yandex.
Quite a wide range of services today offers a mail box on Yandex. Go to the home page of the project and click on "Get mail" on the left side of the website. You will see the registration page of the mail account. Here you need to go through 3 steps: 2 steps of registration and the last step is to log in to your account.
In the first step you need to enter your data, i.e. to fill in the fields "Name", "last Name" and come up with your username. If the name all is clear, login will have little trouble. Daily mail services recorded hundreds of users, so free and unique logins is much lower than a few years ago. If your chosen username is busy, follow the guidance displayed below, fill in the fields.
After filling out this page go to the next step by clicking "Next". It is also necessary to fill in all the fields. First and foremost you should come up with their own password and enter it in the appropriate field. Please note that if you set password to display the strip with a comment which indicates the complexity of the entered password. It is advisable to create a password that will be labeled "Difficult" or "Reliable".
You must then enter the confirm password is case typed the password accidentally. When mismatch password retype again.
The following graph - the "Secret question". It is used to restore access to your email box. Select one of the proposed questions and enter the answer in the same field. It is recommended to use your question — this will reduce the chance of hacking your mail box.
Next, enter another e-mail. Because you are registering a second email address, enter the box, which was a first. This technology allows contact support if you experience technical issues or outages are detected to your account.
Don't forget about the field "Mobile phone". Here you must enter your phone number with which you can restore access to your box. To complete registration, enter the check digit in a blank window, check the box next to "I accept the terms in the User agreement" (which should read), and then click "Register".
The final step is to activate the new email address. There shouldn't arise problems.