You will need
  • - special soil for orchids;
  • - flower pot with holes.
It is impossible to transplant the Orchid in the flowering period. Transplantation should be done only in the presence of poor quality soil, which can harm the roots of plants. The appearance of the orchids will tell you that it is time for transplantation: yellowed, limp leaves of the plant, drooping flower heads.
For the procedure the transplant you need to purchase special soil for orchids, flower pot with holes at the bottom for air circulation, a suitable size for the plant (about 2 cm space from the sides of the bowls should stay, if we omit in it the roots of the flower), expanded clay. Rinse well with a new bowl, disinfect the scissors with alcohol or calcined in the fire.
Before transplanting the Orchid should be watered to its root system softened. Gently remove the plant from the pot, untangling the roots and picking the remnants of the former soil. Carefully review the roots: yellow, white, soft to the touch, remove-is the diseased roots. Slices sprinkle bactericidal agent (activated charcoal, ground cinnamon or powdered charcoal). Now you need to dry the roots. Keep the Orchid outdoors for 2 hours.
Prepare a pot for planting: sprinkle concrete block (1/3 of the height of the pot), the first layer of soil for the Orchid. Gently drop the plant, filling and compacting around, leaving no voids between the roots. To strengthen the orchids should be put back up and tie it to her flower.
Place transplanted plants in a place where no direct sunlight and soak the air around her. The first watering will realize no sooner than a week, and fertilization in a month.
Now a few tips on caring for orchids. To water this flower only after complete drying of the soil. The presence of drainage at the bottom of the pot will help to get rid of excess water. Make watering plants in the morning with filtered warm water 35-40° C. don't forget to humidify the air around the Orchid. One hour after watering you should remove excess water with a cloth with leaves and white stains, if they occur, wipe with diluted lemon juice in the ratio of one to one.
Orchid – photophilous plant, but it should be protected from direct sunlight. The plant lives in dry and dust, likes to "walk" in the fresh air without drafts and requires ambient light for at least 10 hours a day. The temperature in the room where the Orchid grows, should range from 18 to 25°C.
If you properly care for Orchid, she will long to please you with your noble bright colors.