The melon is better to plant seedlings. Pre-sowing preparation of seeds implies a careful selection of the density. To do this, pour seeds 2%-s ' solution of salt. The seeds will float and the heavy and dense will sink to the bottom - and they should be used for seedlings. Wash the seeds settled at least 5 minutes under running water and treat growth stimulants.
Seedling period of melons, like any pumpkin, fairly short - 20 to 30 days. For growing seedlings, the ideal option would peat humus pots with a diameter of 10 cm In a pot sow 1 seed to a depth of 3 cm. When planting the sprouted stalk this pot you minimally injure the root system of the melon, and this contributes to excellent survival and a good harvest.
Prepare the soil. 3 weeks before planting dig the bed deeply, make manure or humus. Melons during growth allowed long and branched roots, so loose and fertilized the land gives more nutrients. Melon is ideal sandy loam, loamy soils and even saline areas, while the melon fruits poorly in acidic soils. The place for planting melons, of course, should only be in the sun.
Planting time melon depends on the variety and climate. Usually planted seedlings when the ground is already warmed up to +15-17 o C. Usually, it's the end of may - beginning of June. Best condition – may rain moistened earth. Southern varieties of melons require a higher temperature in a +25-30oC.

2 weeks prior to planting make deep holes and 30 cm in width and depth. The distance between the holes is 0.7 – 1.5 meters. Into the hole pour water and cover with glass so the soil is warmed.
Place the seedlings in the prepared holes so that the root ball is about 2 cm towered above the soil. This will help prevent root rot and death of the stem. Set plant in hole, cover with soil and pour warm water. For 10 days, close the wrap, creating a greenhouse effect.
During the summer, water weekly with water and proplyvaya bed. More than just melons harm cereal plants (cock and millet). Watering is carried out only at the root, not the leaves around the stem, it is desirable to keep the land dry, otherwise the melon will start to hurt and rot.
When the melons ripen, it begins to emit a pleasant aroma of melon on the side should appear a bright spot. And finally, gently pull on the fetus. If the stalk will disappear - a melon you can eat.