You will need
  • - drill;
  • - pobeditovye drill;
  • - the perforator;
  • - diamond crown;
  • - electric drill.
Inspect the front of forthcoming works. Need to know the thickness of the wall, which will provernutsya hole. Depends on the selection of drill and a special extension nozzle. Also find out the composition of the wall structure. The drilling point must not pass an important communication.
Prepare the tool. The goal is to drill a concrete wall can be solved in several ways. The most affordable, but not the most efficient of them is the use of the perforator in combination with a simple drill with special attachments.
Using this method, make plenty of holes around the circumference of the intended hole in the wall. Be careful - beware of the armature, which can damage the drill. Use the drill for drilling reinforcement construction.
Be careful to regularly inspect the place where the hole from both sides to avoid irregularities and chipping. Note the obvious disadvantages of perforation of the method - the complexity, low efficiency, poor quality often results.
To quickly and efficiently make a large hole, prepare a electric drill with a diamond crown, which is a pipe. One end of the chaplet attach to the instrument, and the second, with flat prongs, with diamond chips, set against the wall for later drilling.
Start the drilling process. Check the efficiency of water cooling. When drilling do not push hard on the tool with the bracket and press. Ideally, work should take place only under the weight of the tool. Depending on the composition of the walls, presence of rebar, etc. drilling time can vary significantly.