More isn't better. Summary 15 sheets do not impress, but rather, will force the employer to postpone the foot as far as possible. Make a concrete and important information about themselves, avoiding the spreads on various topics. The ideal summary is one page.
Start summary with surname, name and patronymic, date of birth. It is advisable to attach a photo.
Specify contact details: personal phone number, e-mail, Fax. Below indicate those positions for which you are applying (it is better to specify the one for which you are applying in the company that send the summary; in another company, perhaps a different title).
Specify the experience in the form of company, position, work, responsibilities. If you changed many jobs, it is not necessary to describe them all. Select the most important ones. Other specify in paragraph "a Different experience". For novice candidates with no or little experience is necessary to specify the place of passage of University practices, temporary work, etc. Describing his responsibilities, remember that you tell the employer about your skills. Don't miss your important.
Write about education. University additional courses, seminars, workshops - all that relates to the position you are applying must be reflected in your summary.
In the "Technical skills" reflect the skills of work with PC, office equipment.
The column "Additional information", seemingly simple, in fact, is the most difficult. In a few sentences you need to describe yourself as a worker, not going deep, but not quite superficial. Tell us about your personal qualities, Hobbies, driving license and car. But don't write about religion, political views, and the like.
Remember that your summary is your only chance to appear before a specific employer. Errors, misprints, crumpled paper invalid. Do not attempt to diversify summary introduction employer - he can laugh, but for an interview you definitely will not call. All important facts that place in the beginning of the summary, engage the reader, insignificant stands out. Before you distribute a summary , read it carefully several times and make sure that it corresponds to the desired position and the company.