To distinguish a boy and a girl Guinea pig can be at their appearance. Males usually larger than females, have high withers and strong bones. The number of nipples on the pigs is not an indicator of sex, as they are in boys and girls. In appearance it is easy to determine the sex of adult individuals, young Guinea pigs can be some difficulties as babies and young animals are more weakly expressed sexual dimorphism.

If you need to distinguish a male from a female baby (older than three weeks) or adolescent Guinea pigs, it is necessary to examine the genitals of the animal. Flip the animal on his back, paws facing up, securely and firmly hold it for a spin. Look at the location of the sexual organs, it has the shape of the letter Y. in females the anus and genitals are all situated far enough apart that males in between the small distance. If you do not see the difference, compare between several individuals find animals with obvious differences.

Inspect the anus of the Guinea pig. To do this, take the animal's front legs, turn the abdomen up. The right hand grasp the pig over the lower back and press your thumb on the lower abdomen above the genitals. Press lightly, easily, then you can slightly increase the pressure. If it is a male, then the thumb will be felt bulge penis, which will eventually protrude outside. Externally, it can be seen as a point at the top of the Y-shaped slit. Females felt a long slit to tail, too, in the form of a Y, the leg of which is directed to the tail. Female Guinea pigs are no bulges.

If you are still in doubt regarding the sex of a Guinea pig, gently pull the skin on the genitals of the animal towards the abdomen. The female will be the visible part of the mucous membrane, the male is a small organ. It will completely dispel your doubts and help to confirm the sex of the animal.

Useful advice
In any case, show Guinea pigs and the vet will accurately determine the sex of the animal, so that in the future you had unexpected cubs.