You will need
  • -personal computer;
  • -installed on this version of Windows 7;
  • document sources\install.wim\1.xml.
In order to know the appropriate version of Linux for Windows, the user does not need additional knowledge in the field of computer technology. It is enough to use one of several ways, which will help to know the version of the distribution.
Method 1. You can use the corresponding file to determine the version of the distribution. Open the document which bears the following title - sources\install.wim\1.xml. After this action absolutely, pay attention to the following entries: and . Among such kinds of tags will indicate which version and build of distribution for your operating system Windows 7. Remember that tags and are not always at the top of the text document, so you need to fail to view the entire file.
Method 2. If you have the CD-ROM distribution, where it is necessary to know its number, and version, but not to install the OS on a personal computer. Importantly, all operations were done as correctly and properly, in order to avoid any negative consequences.
You should perform a simple chain of actions:

- open the ROM distribution;

- locate the file sources\ei.cfg. The file may be hidden so show hidden files using simple settings Windows operating system;

- view version of the distribution, which will be stated in it.
If you can't deal with the settings, look at the file setup.exe that is in the root folder of the installation disk. In the properties of this file will display version and build of distribution. These simple methods will allow the user to promptly and easily determine the version of the distribution kit for Windows.