You will need
    • Per serving (one roll):
    • 120 g of cooked rice for sushi;
    • half of the nori sheet;
    • cucumber;
    • salmon;
    • shrimp;
    • 1 egg;
    • salt;
    • 1 tbsp flour;
    • wasabi;
    • pickled ginger;
    • the soy sauce.
To start prepare the rice for sushi. In a large pot, preferably with a thick bottom, boil 4 cups of water. 2 cups of rice, rinse thoroughly and put in boiling water, reduce heat to low and simmer for 20 minutes, covered and stirring. The second option is to cook the rice for 10 minutes, then remove from heat, tightly wrapped, leave for another half hour. In this case, the less likely the rice will fall apart to mush. When cooked all water should be absorbed, but if it still remained, fold the rice in a colander to drain it.
When the rice is cooked, place it in a large bowl, preferably wooden, but you can also use glass or ceramic. If the piece of rice stuck to the bottom or sides of the pan, scrape it – burnt the rice for sushi is not suitable! Pour 2-3 tbsp. tablespoons of rice vinegar and carefully and mix gently with a wooden spatula. Cover the rice so that it is not a little dried out, and let it cool. To speed up cooling, you can fan the rice with a fan, periodically stirring gently. Rice, from which you will sculpt the rolls should be warm.
Cut the salmon and cucumber in thin wedges. Shrimp, if necessary, boil and clean.
Prepare the working place. You will need: a small bowl of warm water where you want to add a tablespoon of rice vinegar (in that water to moisten your fingers so the rice did not stick to them), bamboo Mat, which is necessary to cover with cling film (in this case rice is not to hide in the Mat).
On the Mat lay a half sheet of nori shiny side down.
Moisten hands in water with vinegar and place the rice smooth a thin layer on the nori, leaving the furthest edge of 1 cm empty. Turn the leaf over the rice down.
Stepping back about 1.5-2 cm from the near edge, spread on seaweed, a little wasabi, then put the block of salmon and cucumber, and cooked shrimp.
Gently fold roll. After he collapsed, gently push down on the Mat, securing the roll and trying to give it the shape of a bar.
In a bowl break an egg, whisk it, add salt, sift the flour and mix to make batter-batter.
Roll the roll in batter and fry in a deep fryer or a pan with plenty of vegetable oil.
Slice the roll into 8 equal pieces and serve with pickled ginger, wasabi and soy sauce.