With the help of safe mode
So if your computer is on, restart it. When you see the first letters and numbers on a black background, press the F8 key on the keyboard. You will see a screen that lists the different ways of loading the operating system. Select "Safe mode".
After selecting an item you will automatically enter the operating system under the administrator account. Nothing more needs to be done. Except that you will be asked to enter a password, if you asked when I changed the account settings to "Administrator".
Without using the welcome screen
If instead of the welcome screen you will see a window "Windows Logon (where there are only two fields "User" and "Password" and 3 buttons: "OK" "Cancel" "Options"), this is also simple. Enter in the first field, "Administrator", and the second password. If you have no password set, leave this field blank.
If the operating system starts, without requiring them to enter a user name and password, do this: wait until the desktop loads, click "start menu" -> "shutdown". Next to "Select desired action", select "log off..." and click "OK". Enter the user name, ie "Admin" and password.
Using the welcome screen
Wait for the welcome screen with the list of available accounts, simultaneously press the Ctrl and Alt keys and while holding them, press 2 times on the Del key. On the screen you should see the window "Windows Logon". Now enter the user name and password.
By the way, in some cases, the administrator account might be called differently. More precisely it is called the same - "Administrator", but spelled in English- Administrator.