You will need
- - liquid detergent;
- Sol;
- soda;
- - softener.
There is one simple way that will help save your belongings from unpleasant odor of gasoline. But this method is not 100% guarantee. Sometimes it is enough only well ventilated clothes in the fresh air, for example on the street or on the balcony and two days later the odors will go away. However, there is one but, if the smell is too strong, then the neighbors can complain, and do not want to spoil relations with them.
Wash clothing with the addition of liquid detergent, for example, for dishes. It is wonderful destroys fat and must cope with the stain of gasoline. But it is worth knowing that water in which you wash, must be cold. After you have thoroughly rinsed the thing, fill it with warm concentrated solution of detergent and leave overnight in the pelvis.
You can then put the thing in the washing machine. Pour into main compartment powder, two tablespoons of salt and the same amount of soda. Don't worry about your things with them nothing bad will happen, they only will be washed off better. Don't forget to pour the softener in its own designated compartment. After all these steps, the smell of gasoline should disappear or become barely noticeable. But he will be gone for good after repeated washing.
In supermarkets and hypermarkets you can find a good powder that removes heavy dirt such as oil and gasoline. It is certainly expensive, but it's worth it. If you don't know which powder to choose, and if it's, then please contact the sales consultant, he will give all the necessary information and help you choose the right tool.
If all the above recommendations do not help, then you can go to the dry cleaners, there you will surely be able to help, but they do not guarantee one hundred percent elimination of a smell of gasoline.