You will need
- Iron
- Blotting paper (napkin)
- A sheet of paper
- A piece of white flannel
- Brush
- White bread
- Mel
- Tooth powder
- White clay
- Potato starch
- Gasoline
- Magnesium oxide
- Pasta "Minute"
Cover fat spot blotting (toilet) paper or cloth and iron with iron, as the impregnation of the litter the fat instead. You can just put on fat wet blotter or cloth and flatten it with pressure. This is the easiest way to remove stains from paper, but it usually only works on fresh contamination.
Try to remove a spot of grease with white school chalk. His need to pound into powder and sprinkle evenly on pollution. On top lay a piece of paper, and ironed it using a hot iron. As the saturation of chalk with fat to keep him dry.
Make a paste of chalk and water if dry the fat with paper to remove failed. Grease stain obtained paste and again outwrite through the paper coating.
Chalk powder can be mixed with white clay and gasoline: spread the resulting paste to the stain and allow to dry. Then remove the brush. Instead of chalk, you can take tooth powder.
A mixture of chalk and other components, you can leave the fat on for three days, then clean the crust the crumb of wheat bread.
Try to sprinkle on the potato starch paper and RUB it with a moist flannel cloth. Repeat the operation until the fat is absorbed. But this method is only suitable for thick paper. Try not to make strong rubbing motions, not to tear a sheet of paper.
Mix the purified benzine and burnt magnesia (magnesium oxide) - few drops of 5 g. Magnesium acts as a good sorbent. The mixture should be lubricated with a spot of grease and wait for the gasoline to evaporate. Usually it helps to cope even with old fat contamination on the paper. Of course, if you do not disturb the smell of gasoline, and you will be able to get the magnesium.
Clean contaminated with grease paper Wallpaper fresh wheat bread. Close up crumb stain, gently rubbing it into the stained surface. When the bread will absorb the grease, remove it and change for fresh. But a hot iron and blotter on the Wallpaper you need to proceed with caution – it is likely that they will fall apart and SAG.
Any of these cleaning procedures greasy stains from paper usually has to be repeated many times. Try to avoid drying and aging of the contaminants – otherwise your task will become more difficult.
Useful advice
Look in the shops of household chemicals a special tool for removal of fatty stains. For example, for Wallpaper, you can recommend the pasta, "Minute."