You will need
  • Box;
  • cloth;
  • - scissors;
  • glue;
  • - threads;
  • - needle;
  • - stapler.
Make pattern for the fabric covering. It must be a scan of your box. For example, for covering square boxes measure its side and draw four identical squares touching the sides, and two for the bottom and lid. From all sides of the pattern add a 1.5 cm seam.
Cut fabric and detail with help of the iron smoothen all folds (allowances) on the wrong side.
Try attaching the fabric to the box with glue. Find the special composition suitable for fabric – anyone else would appear on the surface spots.
Apply glue with a stiff brush on the entire area of the box. If you do glue the "seams" only on the perimeter, after drying, they will be visible. Spread one side of the box and carefully attach it to the material. Smooth it from the center to the edges, smoothing the folds and removing air bubbles. When one side is ready, proceed to the next. Do not lubricate the box too thick layer of glue – it can warp the finish.
Also the fabric can be covered up with the seam "back needle", using Gypsy needle. The puncture site in the tissue in advance mark with a pencil so the stitches were the same length. If the box is very crisp, transfer the markings on its walls and make holes with the awl. Then panel box, picking up threads, equal in thickness to diameter of puncture.
The edge of the fabric you can sew with the front side - any decorative stitch. Especially carefully treat the choice of colors and textures of thread in this case, because they should become an additional decoration. Also the seam can be hidden, Nachev over a number of beads or sequins or gluing the top right color of the thin ribbon.
If the style box allows, attach the material using furniture stapler. Place clamps at equal distance from each other or "laying out" of a solid line. Protruding from the back side of the box the edges of the wire bend.