From methane you can get a number of complex organic compounds. He is a colorless gas, without taste and smell, practically insoluble in water, and having a lower density than air. It is one of the most common gases on the Earth and other planets of the Solar system. At temperatures above 1000 ° C the methane is decomposed to carbon and hydrogen: CH4→C+2H2.This process is called cracking of methane. In the cracking of other hydrocarbons - ethane - obtained ethylene. Therefore, to obtain ethyleneand originally from methane get ethane, then the ethane is subjected to cracking.
By reaction furca can be obtained from compounds of methane and ethane, and then start the process of cracking, resulting in work ethylene. This reaction lies in the fact that iodine bromide is added to sodium metal, the result is ethane: CH3-Y+[Na]+CH3 Y→С2Н6Затем the reaction is carried out cracking of ethane: C2H6→CH2=CH2+CH4+H2 (at t=500 ° C)
There is also a more modern and simple method of producing ethyleneand methane. In this case, the reaction is usually carried out at a temperature of 500-900 o C in the presence of oxygen and oxides of manganese, cadmium. Gases are then separated by adsorption, deep cooling and distillation under pressure. The equation for obtaining the ethyleneand methane as follows: 2CH4→C2H4+H2
The second method, due to its simplicity, is used most often. Of ethyleneand, in turn, get other organic substances, in particular, polyethylene, acetic acid, ethyl alcohol, vinyl acetate and styrene. In the past it was also used in medicine for anesthesia. In addition, ethylene is used for the regulation of plant growth and fruit ripening. Also it is made from synthetic lubricating oil used in industry and everyday life.