In most cases, with young children it can be difficult to negotiate. They are stubborn, refuse to eat useful, but insipid to look at their products, etc. the fact that kids simply impossible to explain such a thing as "necessary".
But the children play with great pleasure. At the same time, even simple at first glance, the game is "Okay" can turn into a long educational process. All of this is individual and depends on the level of development of the kid, his character and upbringing.
In order to explain the rules of the game "Patty-cake" with your child, it is best to involve all the relatives and friends staying in the apartment. When the kid will see that all loving people repeat the same movement and enjoy it, he involuntarily begins to repeat. This will help to develop the motor skills of your child. Simultaneously with the movements needed to pronounce words known prigovori. Soon toddler will focus on the spoken phrase.
Remember that kids for the first time may not participate in your game "Okay". This may be due to the fact that the baby is unusually certain movements. Try again later, slowing the pace. If you want to help your child to master this game, you can take his hands in mine.
Thus you will make him repeat the movements. Very soon you will notice that your baby has memorized the order of the actions, and it gives him genuine pleasure.
Children's doctor can confirm that even a simple game of "Patty cake" allows your child to cultivate. The fact that the process develops motor skills, improves coordination, normalizes the work of organs of the senses, etc. In the end, the baby is growing.