Go to the training in liespotting. Only some people are able shamelessly to deceive a stranger. But it is unlikely without preparation you will be able to distinguish a liar from a good man. To do this, visit the training or seminar, where they talk about how to determine lying or not. Perhaps you will be able to spot a lie immediately, but you may need time. But in any case, time and money invested in this kind of training pays off, because this kind of knowledge is necessary to have each person.
Be careful. Never trust strangers, no matter how beautiful they may seem. Always check this information to you and never borrow no money. All of these tips seem obvious, but many forget about the basic rules of personal safety and fall for tricks fraudsters. Do not be naive - there are a lot of rogues and liars.
Read the book by Alan Pisa "body Language". There is a lot written about how to learn facial expressions, gestures and body posture, whether lying right now talking with you man. Armed with new knowledge, go through the familiar check yourself. If you start to put into practice this knowledge, you will become much easier to spot a fake on the approach, and it will surely help you to protect yourself against it.
Do not contact with those people who have once deceived you. Do not do business with them and do not agree to help them. Remember - the person lied once, loses trust forever. Do not step on the same rake, do not trust known liars, and it will help you to avoid many troubles.
Check all the necessary documents in the case of serious and money matters. Be sure to learn in advance about their rights and the rights of your partner, do not trust to handle your Affairs with anyone else. Remember that their actions are responsible, only you, so always come up seriously for any event associated with money.
Accept the fact that once you are still deceived and do not fall because of this spirit. Being deceived, be sure to move from the current situation, certain experience, make your conclusions and move on, trusting the people, but now with caution.