You will need
  • a calculator or computer
In order to convert kilowatts to kilowatt-hours (kW per kWh), verify that it is measured in kilowatts.

If the "kilowatt" was measured by a counter, and at the time of payment you are required to provide kilowatt-hours, then just fix kW per kW h. the Name "kilowatt" (kW) is often used in everyday life for the abbreviated name of a kilowatt-hour.
Sometimes kW per kWh must be translated to estimate how much energy the "wound" on the meter to the appliance for some time.

To calculate how many kilowatt-hours of energy will be spent by the device, multiply its capacity (in kW) and the time (in hours). If the power or the time given in other units before starting the calculations be sure to bring them to the above.
For example, if you want to know how much electricity will be used by the light bulb of power 100 W (watts) for half of the day, first turn the watts to kilowatts (100 watts = 0.1 kW) and night hours (0.5 days = 12 hours). Now, multiply the obtained values of power and time. Obtained: 0,1 * 12 = 1,2 (kWh).
Using the method described above, it is possible to estimate the power consumption of the entire apartment during the month (e.g. budget planning). Of course, you can just lay down power all the appliances and multiply this amount by the number of hours in the month (30 * 24 = 720). However, this way you will get a highly inflated estimate of power consumption. For more accurate calculations must take into account the actual average operation time of each appliance during one month, then multiply that time the capacity of this device, then put the energy usage of all devices.

For example, if one bulb 60W hanging in the entrance and reception, and the second, with 100 watts lights up the toilet and used about 1 hour a day, a month counter "cheat":

0,06 * 24 * 30 + 0,1 * 1 * 30 = 43,2 + 3 = 46,2 (kWh).