First, you will remove the background of the emergence of the fungus. It is well propagated in a moist and warm enough environment. Therefore, the rule as often as possible ventilate the apartment, do not close curtains in the daytime so that the room was sufficient sunlight.
Keep open the vents in the bathroom and the toilet. Better yet, install a powerful fan. Often, mold lives in the old pipes where the condensate gathers. Change the sewage system, because it is very dangerous to use water contaminated with the fungus.
Between the furniture and walls leave a small space to ensure good air circulation. The ideal option is to purchase a special home appliance that will control the humidity level. Optimal should not exceed 35%.
To remove the fungus, it is necessary to carefully clean off all the coating from the affected areas. It might be easier if you first apply on the infected soda, and on top sprinkle it with vinegar. You may have to remove the plaster, because the spores to penetrate deeply. After such a cleaning, treat the surface with a high temperature come to the aid of a heat gun or a special lamp.
Then be diluted with water copper sulphate in the ratio of 1:1 and very good to coat the entire surface, including crevices. The fungus does not tolerate such treatment and should disappear. Instead of a sulfate you can use a special antiseptic, of which there are many, such drugs are sold in hardware stores. After treatment, apply to wall or ceiling final finishing.