Take 150-200 grams of propolis, a bit of mint, 150 g of dried calamus root, pour two liters of 30% alcohol. Let mixture stand for 1 month in a dry dark place. The resulting tincture is recommended to rinse your mouth thoroughly after each brushing teeth and eating. After a couple of weeks will be held fully bleeding gums, pain, strengthen tooth enamel.
Good effect with periodontitis gives massage the gums with salt. You should use fine salt "Extra". Pour it on the toothbrush and gently massage into the patients gums. Also useful after a meal to rinse your mouth with salt water.
A good grind 200 g of aloe leaves to the formation of quasiseparable mass. Put it in a bowl, cover with a lid and leave for one hour in a dark place. Then boil the pulp of aloe, strain and pour into a glass dish, close the lid. In inflammation this remedy to rinse your mouth as often as possible.
To effectively get rid of periodontal disease helps following mixture of medicinal herbs. Take two pieces of grass and yarrow flowers, calendula flowers, dandelion root and one part root vegetable, sorrel, grass clover, flowers and herbs of tansy. Grind these herbs in a coffee grinder or grinder, add in the mixture Vishnevsky ointment, Ichthyol ointment, calendula oil until a homogeneous mass. This tool should be lubricated a particularly sore place.
With bleeding gums, it is recommended to rinse your mouth with a decoction of oak bark and lime. Oak bark has a strong astringent and antiseptic qualities, Linden relieves inflammation. Take two parts of oak bark and one part Linden flower. Boil the mixture like regular tea, cool and strain. Rinse your mouth twice a day.