You will need
  • - written warning to tenants for three months;
  • - the penalty payment and refund of any advance payments, if the contract is terminated on an emergency basis.
Regardless of whether the document is written by hand or drafted and certified by a professional notary, it has the same legal effect. And dissolve it can only be by mutual consent, by decision of the owner with prior warning or court order.
The contract of rent shall detail the conditions, terms of validity, the rules of early termination, payment and General provisions on use of property. The contract signed by both parties, and its terms are binding. However, either party may unilaterally refuse to fulfill the contract and to terminate it in accordance with article 610 of the Civil code, the law requires that a party who intends to terminate the agreement three months prior to the termination of warned the other party in writing. Written warning sent by registered letter with notification.
The landlord has the right to demand termination of the lease unilaterally in case the tenants do not perform or perform not in time at least one of the clauses of the contract of rent, damage property, disturb the peace of other people and indecent behave (article 619, 620, 450 of the civil code). In this case the contract is terminated without notice, the court.
By mutual agreement of lessee and lessor the contract can be terminated without warning for three months, at the request of one of the parties (article 450, 453 of the civil code).
In all cases, in accordance with the above articles, the owner has the right to terminate the contract unilaterally, without explaining the reasons, but advance notice to the tenants of the date of termination of the agreement. And this must be done no later than three months. In case of emergency, the law allows for urgent termination of the lease, but the landlord must pay the tenants three months and to give advance money.